Platzke Real Estate Group

Your Twin Cities Real Estate Report For November 2020

With Halloween behind us, and as we look forward to the holidays, the Real Estate Market remains strong. Overall, Twin Cities home sales are up, sales prices are up, and inventory remains low. Homebuyers are spending these final months of the year finding the perfect home, getting settled, and readying their new homes before the end of the year.

Real estate heads into the last few months of 2020 with a strong market. Here’s a snapshot of the most recent Twin Cities real estate statistics.

+21% in closed sales.
Home sales made a sharp increase over last month. Buyers want to get settled before the weather turns much colder.

+10.8% median sales price.
With many buyers and fewer homes, the market remains competitive.

-32% change in inventory.
Low inventory drives home sales and the sales price up.

At Helgeson Platzke Real Estate Group, we’re proud members of Eden Prairie’s esteemed small business community. We’ve offered the very best in Twin Cities real estate since 1995, earning our community’s trust as the #1 Sales Team in the Eden Prairie area. With over 4,500 homes sold, our knowledgeable and experienced staff ensure your homeownership goals are delivered. If you’re considering buying or selling your Eden Prairie area home this year, now is the time to enlist the help of a real estate professional who can help you make the most of the market no matter the situation.