Platzke Real Estate Group

Why It’s The Perfect Time For Your Own Victory Garden

“Victory Gardens,” also known as war gardens, were first popularized in the United States during World War I. Food production had fallen dramatically as many of the people who worked in agriculture had been recruited into military service. Americans needed to find a way to counteract the shortage, so they planted victory gardens filled with fruits and vegetables for their families.

Now is the perfect time to start your own victory garden. Here’s why:

Spring is the season of plant growth! The weather is warming up and flowers are blooming. Take advantage and plant some of your favorite or most consumed vegetables and fruits. You don’t need to have a sprawling garden or even a large yard. Get a few pots and plant the essentials. If you’ve never tried it, you’ll be amazed by how delicious home grown vegetables and fruits are. Plus, it’s nice to get outside and get some light exercise instead of sitting inside all day!

Trips To The Store
Social distancing rules are in full effect and we should all be trying to stay home as much as we can. Your victory garden will help you to make fewer trips to the grocery store when you start to harvest your own produce. You can start by sowing some seeds indoors and transplant them outside later. The more we all reduce our chances of spreading the virus, the better off we all will be.

Save Some Cash
It may take a while before you’re actually cooking and eating your home grown vegetables, but when it does happen, it’ll be good for your health AND good for your wallet. More home grown food means spending less at the store. Many of us are seeing a decrease or even elimination of work hours, so we’re all trying to think of ways to stretch our dollar more than normal. This is just another small way to make your savings last a bit longer. Some of the quickest plants to grow include arugula, bok choy, swiss chard, zucchini, and cucumber.

Start your victory garden today to benefit yourself and your community!

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