Platzke Real Estate Group

Spring Staging Secrets

Every year, spring brings fresh flowers, warmer weather, and a hot real estate market. Use these staging secrets to attract more buyers this season.

Say Yes To Yard Maintenance
Get your yard in tip-top shape as quickly as possible after the cold winter. Remove any winter yard debris and consider some frost-resistant plants in case of a late cold spell. If you’d rather not worry about watering, consider silk flowers or other artificial plants to give your yard a facelift.

You Guessed It… Spring Cleaning
Take it to the next level this year by throwing away, storing, or donating extra items that are cluttering your home. Get in there do some scrubbing to make sure your home really sparkles in the sunlight. Don’t forget the details! Scrub the grout, clean the curtains and shades, make sure mirrors and windows are crystal clear.

Wave Goodbye To Winter Wardrobe
Bulky winter clothing takes up a lot of space! Maybe you should store it for next year. The extra space is appealing to potential buyers and you’ll be surprised at just how much space you can create. If you don’t have a storage unit, consider moving it out to the garage!

Exciting Entryway
If your welcome mat is showing signs of winter, like water stains and dirt, think about buying a new one that’s fresh and bright. Take a look at the outside of your front door and give it a quick wash if necessary. Do you have any plants in your entryway or around your door? If you do, make sure they’re looking nice and replace the dead ones. If you don’t you should! The entryway sets the tone for the rest of your home.

Spring Scents
Spring isn’t just colorful, it’s also fragrant. Bring some of those outdoor smells indoors. Scents really do affect the mood, so consider some candles, diffusers, incense, or even fresh cut flowers and plants to really step up your staging game.

Bold, Bright Colors
Put away the thick winter comforter and pull out the crisp linens that are brightly colored. Bring the season inside with floral designs or bright solids. Get some accent pillows for added style and replace plain white towels with Spring-colored ones.